

Jiji & Remon

Gigi & Lemon: Gigi the Vintage Queen

Ever since I created Gigi the Vintage Girl she had her own unique quote which I created which was "I'm a singer, dancer and actress all rolled into one!" Well it wasn't long until "someone" came along and stole a quote I created which can be seen here. I mean so you're flattered at first when someone makes a sort of "parody"character that wasn't really 100% a parody just the name really, and base, but then when said person wants to use this character more and upgrade it and edit the concept, then you decide to steal? You don't own my creation. It was never intended to be you. The name was a sly tongue-in-cheek reference as a joke. My character always had her own personality, and style. Only some people can't seem to accept that and have to get goons to hunt people down and say things. Well not on my watch, because I won't stand for it. My "Vintage Girl" is ten times that of any other. You can try to imitate, but can never duplicate. 

I mean for example look at this woman. This is how she originally looked. Then all of a sudden she started curling her hair, and putting like a circular motion around the top. Something she never had before. She even ended up dying her hair lighter, she's clearly deranged. I literally had to make my character's hair long just to stop her from copying. If I could drag her, I would, but I've quit doing that. For example I mean did you hear about Ron DeSantis? Apparently racist Italians get a notion that they are pillars of Aryan purity. But they weren't even considered white until the 1990s, and were even lynched in the 1800s in New Orleans. See what I'm missing out on? Anyway, this woman in question is not original, and she herself is appropriating other people, so she can't really go around crying. Also her "1920s" baby-singing style is terrible, horrible even. She don't sound cute, she sounds like a bird squawking.